Joined the Department of Community Health at St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore as a Tutor in 1992. Completed my MD (Community Medicine) and DNB (Social and Preventive Medicine) while working as a junior faculty member. A full Professor from the year 2006, completed my 4-year tenure Head of the Department in October 2017.
With my feet firmly grounded in Community Health, my area of focus has been the sub-specialty of Occupational Health. I have won awards at State and National levels for my work on the health of workers in the plantation and apparel manufacturing sectors. I now mentor the work of the Occupational Health Services Unit of the Institution. Another area of my expertise is disaster management and have led teams to disaster-hit zones in this country over the past 15 years.
I have more than 50 publications in peer-reviewed journals and an equal number of presentations in conferences. I have also authored more than 100 evaluation reports for industries and non-governmental organisations covering areas of preventive and social medicine, health and welfare of workers, social compliance and HIV prevention.